Fried Breadfruit Dumplin
Olivia Wilmot
A Caribbean Classic
Olivia Wilmot
These fried dumplings, or as we call them in Jamaica, "dumplin", are a simple for anyone wanting to try breadfruit flour.
Breadfruit Flour 1 cup
Cassava Flour 1/2 cup
Instant Oats 1/2 cup
Baking Powder 5 tbps
Salt1/2 tsp
Cold Margerine/Shortening/Butter 2 tbps
Cold coconut cream (thick milk) 2 tbsp
Cold water
Mix all dry ingredients well
Shave the cold margerine into the dry ingredients and break into the mixture with a fork until evenly distributed.
Add coconut cream and lightly mix
Add cold water gradually while mixing; it should not be sticky and there should still be lots of dry mix
When dough begins to form, knead with hands until it comes together into a ball; it should not be sticky but all of the mixture should have moisture
Let rest for ten minutes.
Break into smaller pieces and form neat balls.
Heat a frying pan with oil about 1/2” deep on a medium flame.
Lower flame and carefully fry on all sides till golden brown
Pair with avocado, ackee (with or without saltfish), porridge, or anything you can think of.
Breadfruit Recipes & Ideas
A collection of dishes using Breadfruit & Breadfruit Flour submitted by people from across the Caribbean and beyond.