Herbed Plantain Breadfruit Flatbread
The Garden L.I.F.E (Living in Full Energy)
Simple breadfruit flour flatbread
The Garden L.I.F.E (Living in Full Energy)
This flatbread recipe is an easy and unique treat.
Breadfruit Flour
Boiled Ripe Plantains
Sweet Basil
Himalayan Salt
Sweet Pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or other oil if EVOO is not available)
Crushed ripe boiled plantains and mix in the breadfruit flour.
To a food processor, add sweet basil, carrots, onions, Himalayan salt, garlic, sweet peppers, extra virgin olive oil. Process the ingredients for a minute or two.
Add to the flour mixture and knead gently on the counter. With a rolling pin, roll to desired thickness.
Add to heated non-stick frying pan. Turn over after bubbles appear. Serve with anything available. Let your creative mind control your hands.
This flatbread can be served with so many dishes, your imagination is the only limit.
Breadfruit Recipes & Ideas
A collection of dishes using Breadfruit & Breadfruit Flour submitted by people from across the Caribbean and beyond.